
Romans 12:1 – “1Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

Christmas is a time when gift giving reaches unprecedented heights. Often the joy of celebrating the birth of our savior becomes overshadowed by the stress of making sure we didn’t forget anyone on our list, or spend too much or too little on any one person. 

Often in the frenzy of trying to account for all of our friends and family members, we overlook the most important recipient on our list, God Himself.   

What does one get for someone who literally owns EVERYTHING?  What possible value could anything we present have when compared to everything He already possesses?  

I suppose we could throw a few bits of loose change in the bell ringer’s pot, or donate some toys to Angel Tree, or sing carols to some shut ins, or serve food at a shelter.  All of those things are great, and are needed, and are valuable and worthy of our time and effort.  Yet that isn’t what God truly wants. 

The one thing on His list, the one thing we have to offer that would truly make Him happy this Christmas is not more time, effort, or money, it is a broken heart surrendered fully in sacrifice to Him.  At the end of the day, God isn’t seeking your stuff, He’s seeking you.